Website last updated: 29/03/2025


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Quality Policy

INDIA GOVERNMENT MINT, MUMBAI is committed to provide consistent quality Circulation Coins, Commemorative Coins, Medals, Weights & Measures and Refining & Assay of Precious Metals (Gold & Silver) to fulfill customers requirement by continual improvement in the process and monitoring the effectiveness of Quality Management System.


Untiring efforts
India Government Mint, Mumbai

Besides the main activity of coinage production, Mumbai Mint has been producing different commemorative and development-oriented coins for last several decades, details of which are in this section. It also works as a center for issue of gold bars in exchange of unrefined gold tendered by licensed dealers. This Mint has been producing medals of various types, the medals for Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Home Affairs, educational institutions, social service institutions, badges, token etc.

Also there is a separate department that make Standard Weights and measures for the State governments, Laboratories & Bureau of Indian Standards.

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CMD Hindi Day Message
CMD Sandesh New Year

Acts & Rules

The Reserve bank of India (Amendment and Misc. Provisions) Act, 1953

India Government Mint, Mumbai 

The Factories Act, 1948

India Government Mint, Mumbai 

The Minimum Wages Act, 1948

India Government Mint, Mumbai 
Minimum Wages  Act, 1948

The Coinage Act, 1906

India Government Mint, Mumbai 
Indian Coinage Act 1906  

The Small Coins Act,1971

India Government Mint, Mumbai 
small coins act 1971